Mangga Recommendation : Shounen no Abyss

Shounen no Abyss


In a town with nothing, amidst everyday life with seemingly no sign of change, high school student Reiji Kurose "just" lives. Family, future dreams, childhood friends. Everything tied him to that city. He thought he would "just" continue to live like that. Until he met her, an idol that Reiji looked up to came to the empty town after retiring from the entertainment world. Is there hope in life? Is there a light waiting ahead? This is the start of a boy meets girl series that reflects the "now". 




Synopsis : In the city where the background of the novel Lover's Abyss, the story of a young man who is "cursed" to live forever and can never leave the city


Synopsis : Being a lackey to Reiji's former childhood friend, he lives on and hopes to one day get out of town and find his own happiness.


Synopsis : His life which will become the backbone of the family after graduation becomes a "curse" for him to live in a hopeless city. After graduating, Reiji will help the family economy with his mother to care for his older brother who has mental disorders and his grandmother who also has mental disorders.


Synopsis : Will this invitation change Reiji's destiny or will it be a disaster for Reij's life? for the next please read or buy the manga.


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